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Health Insurance RenewalIn the next few weeks, you will be starting the process of renewing your health insurance. If you want to buy individual/family insurance for 2018, now is a great time to start your planning. Finding the right plan can be complicated, and a licensed agent can suggest the most appropriate options for you and your family.

Keys To Renewing Your Health Insurance

  • Covered CA or your Insurance carrier usually send you a renewal notice or the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC). ANOC is a document listing any changes in plan coverage, service area, or costs that will go into effect the following January. Read it carefully to see if there are any changes.
  • Ensure your account is up-to-date with Covered California. If you have any changes to your contact information, household or income, make sure to report the changes and provide “Consent for Verification” to benefit from an automated renewal process without losing your Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC). You should also contact your health insurance plan to ensure they also have the new contact information.
  • If you are happy with your current insurance, either Medicare or Individual/Family plan, you can keep it. Your plan will be auto-renewed. No further action is required on your part.
  • If you are not happy with it, you may make changes to your current plan when the next open enrollment starts. You can choose a new health plan that fits your current needs and budget. Remember, Medicare Annual Open Enrollment is from October 15 – December 7. And Individual/Family Plan Open Enrollment is from November 1, 2017 – January 31, 2018.
  • Work through an independent agent. Recent studies found that 60% of consumers, who once bought directly from the market, have gone back to agents for help. Consumers have determined that the rates are the same, and having an independent agent offers greater value.

Remember to make sure your doctor is on the plan you are selecting. I can help you understand the differences in plans, and how your individual needs can be matched to specific plans. Call me for a plan review.

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