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Congrats on getting your new health plan!What you need to do when you have new Medicare plan

Besides making sure you have received the ID card, here are a few reminders for you to ensure your coverage sailing smoothly:

1. Take time to understand your plan benefits and how to use them. If your plan offers extra benefits such as gym membership, Health rewards, transportation, OTC allowance, etc., find out who the vendors are, their phone numbers, and how to utilize these benefits. Keep their contact info for your reference.

Not sure where to begin? Review your Evidence of Coverage document or contact the member service. The phone number is located on the back of your member ID card.

2. For HMO plan members, check your member ID card to make sure that the Primary Care Doctor or Clinic shown on the card is the correct doctor. If it shows somebody else, please contact the member service immediately to change your primary doctor.

3. I recommend scheduling an appointment with your new doctor to establish a new relationship. If you need to refill your prescriptions right away, you may get a 30-day supply at a network pharmacy and call your new doctor so they can help you to refill your prescriptions.

CategoryBlog, Medicare

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