September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It was created to help educate Americans about the importance of life insurance so I wanted to create a post to briefly help you learn about it.
No one really likes to talk about life insurance. But chances are, you need life insurance. Understanding it and planning ahead can help protect your loved ones financially when you die.
There are many types of life insurance, but for all of them the bottom line is the same: They pay cash to your family after you die, allowing loved ones to remain financially secure. Life insurance payments can be used to cover daily living expenses, mortgage payments, loans, and other expenses. And importantly, the death benefit proceeds are almost never subject to federal income taxes.
Permanent Versus Term Life
The infographic below is a great visual tool to differentiate between Permanent and Term insurance.

Basically, you will need term insurance for a liability that lasts temporarily such as a mortgage or having children. Permanent life insurance is a great way to pass your wealth to your family tax-free, to build you cash saving or as a way to cover your long-term care expenses in the future. You can combine both to plan for your financial goals.
There are many great resources out there. But LifeHappens.org is an educational website I recommend as it’s full of information and tools to learn and calculate how much you need.
How To Buy Life Insurance
You may buy life insurance through an Insurance Agent or buy direct from the insurance company. Most people need help conducting the detailed financial assessment needed to determine what kind of insurance to buy and how much. That’s why they choose to work with an insurance professional.
Having an agent as your ally is great way to plan and buy. Call me for a free consultation and quote. Buy while you still qualify and your family will really thank you in the time of need.